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The Playground

Oct 24, 2022

The shadow side and the eclipse energy

In this next season of change, you'll start to notice a desire to go inward. It's nature. We're in conservation season learning to nurture ourselves within our inner worlds. With the eclipse around the corner, you're likely to feel more vulnerable as you lean deeper into your shadow self, the parts of you that you either thought were healed, or you didn't know was asking for healing.

Big whammys to pay attention to - 

🌟 Self Sabotage

🌟 Dysregulated Emotions - esp anger

🌟 Not taking responsibility for SELF


Two ways to approach this:

1. Avoid the uncomfortable feels at all cost!

2. Welcome this integration. This is a necessary part and rhythm of life. The ebb and the flow. When we rise and act, that's part of it. The next part is resting and integrating.


Now, integration doesn't look like "do nothing". It's still active, intentional, and requires effort.


What's your integration looking this these days?


β–² Free Playground for mystics:

β–² Train in the healing arts